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Up Coming Events

Prime Dance 

Freestyle Dance Examinations

Our next IDTA Freestyle dance examinations will take place during 10th November 2024, (date to be confirmed), at Ashton on Mersey Health & Fitness Centre.


Payments to be made no later than Saturday 26th October and all forms must be accompanied by payment.

Please let Anna know if you will be taking an exam before 28th September so the timetable can be scheduled.



Exam uniform - Freestyle...


All black- top or leotard

(no logos unless Prime Dance t-shirt)

Black leggings/ dance pants

Dance shoes or bare feet.

Hair in ponytail, bun or French plaits - no fringes.



New T&C'S applied...

Please note that Prime Dance will now be BANK TRANSFER ONLY. For all block payments and uniform- PRIME DANCE (business account) 42355723, sort code 090666. For all other payments, (show fees, exams, costumes, tickets)- J MONTGOMERIE (personal account) 00269069, sort code 111331. Please note that Prime Dance is BLOCK PAYMENT ONLY. We have experienced pupils over the past years that have done pay as go and it really doesn’t work for the business. As well as being a challenge to keep on top of class payments, and constantly feeling like we are battling to ask for payments to made on the day, the inconsistency of class numbers puts the business in a difficult position. Prime Dance can only run classes with sufficient numbers in order to cover room hire and staff wages. If a particular class doesn’t have the numbers to break even, we simply can’t continue to run this session and the timetable will be amended. We understand that pupils will miss classes for valid reasons, but unfortunately, you do have to pay for lessons that you are absent from. Any swimming, horse riding, football club etc and all other dance schools follow this policy for the reasons mentioned above. Prime Dance is a lively hood and can only continue with your commitment and support. For example, if you can only make 4 weeks out of a 7 week term, you do have to pay for the full 7 weeks. Prime Dance cannot run classes for 6 months of the year, then stop for 6 months, we would lose our room slot to another class/ club. We completely understand that pupils do take time out after the Easter holidays to study for GCSE and A levels. In this case, we are going to ask for a £7.00 a week fee to hold your place at Prime Dance, unless any student is stopping completely after this point. If you do come and take a class, the £7.00 will be credited towards the session of that week. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. For those who pay on direct debit, please let us know that classes that you will be taking from September and we will let you know the new DD cost. A few classes went up in price the last term, so this will need adjusting. We also ask that you do set the DD up so first payment goes out in September. Prime Dance will be holding some freestyle dance examinations in October, (date to be confirmed), and our annual school show has been booked for Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd March 2025!! SAVE THE DATE. This will mean that our show run through will fall on Sunday 9th March and dress rehearsal on Sunday 16th March, (9am-1pm).

Safety Measurements 

To, all parents/ guardians Please see below the safety measurements that the venue have put in place ready for September in regards to the horrific attack which took place in Southport during the summer.Ashton on Mersey have set the following precautions in place in order to keep all staff, clubs, children etc as safe as possible.We hope that this will put parents at ease while their children are attending Prime Dance. Please note the below in respect of any safety measurements going forward at all venues:

 Single point of entry’s being created at sites.

 Staff to be based at single point of entry location.

 Staff to lock doors when not at location (on other tasks)

 Signage will be available with access to a phone number for any users outside the locked doors while staff are away.

 Tannoy access being made available at all schools. Our teams have also all received refresher training and increased visibility assessments are ongoing to ensure this is being operated as expected.

Best Wishes EDU Hirer Relations Team Ashton on Mersey Health and Fitness centre

Prime Dance

SHOW 2025 

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